We are a educational advocacy organization, under the not-for-profit 501.c3 "Does Your Student Need an Advocate?" Corporation. Our team and associates are dedicated to providing students and their parents/guardians with advice and information based on years of experience inside the public school system as educators, services providers, and as parents of exceptional education students.

Founder and CEO
Robert served Okaloosa County schools for 38 years as a teacher/coach, principal, assistant superintendent and retired as the Director of Juvenile Justice.
Robert was awarded a Bachelor of Science degree in Criminology from the School of Social Welfare at Florida State University, a Masters in Guidance and Counseling from Troy State University, and a Doctorate in Educational Leadership from Florida State.
He was the sponsoring principal for Project CHILD, site-based management, and the development of school based daycare in Okaloosa County.

Founder and COO
Claudia served Okaloosa County schools for 38 years as a teacher and guidance counselor.
Claudia was awarded her Bachelors degree from Mississippi State College for Women and her Masters in Guidance and Counseling from Troy State University.
She has served our community and church in many capacities as a volunteer and most recently a tutor for local elementary children.

Jamie is a lifelong resident of Okaloosa County, having attended Plew Elementary, Ruckel Middle School, and graduating from Niceville High School.
She earned her Bachelors degree in Finance and Marketing from Florida State University and her Juris Doctorate from Florida State University College of Law.

Lee attended school in Okaloosa County from through high school.
She completed a Bachelor of Science degree in Computer Science (Florida State University), a Master of Science degree in Education specializing in Open and Distance Learning (Florida State University), and a Graduate Certificate in Dyslexia Intervention and Assessment (University of Florida).
She has completed training courses from Institute for Multi-Sensory Education (IMSE) in Orton-Gillingham Comprehensive Plus and Morphology Plus and Atlantic Seaboard Dyslexia Education Center (ASDEC) Multi-Sensory Math 1 course.
In addition to her education, Lee's own children have multiple exceptionalities and learning differences has been her driving force in pursuing additional post-graduate training and certification. She is currently finalizing her certification since her completion of her Graduate Certificate in Dyslexia Intervention & Assessment with The Center for Effective Reading Instruction (CERI) in accordance with the International Dyslexia Association (IDA) criteria.